Confidential Reporting of Crimes

A crime can be reported anonymously to the Emory Police Department TIPS line (404) 727-8477, or through the Emory Trust Line (888) 550-8850. A student may request anonymity in reporting a crime to a Residence Life staff member, to the Dean of Campus Life, or to any other Campus Security Authority. In cases of reports of sexual violence or sexual misconduct covered by Title IX, anonymity cannot be guaranteed in all instances. The student will be encouraged to make an official police report, but if the student elects not to or is unable to make such a report, the Campus Security Authority should, depending upon the nature of the report, file a report of the incident directly to EPD or via the on-line Emory CSA Incident Report Form, without identifying the complainant, so that it can be included in the statistical section of this Report.

Confidenetial graphic

Pursuant to the University’s Sex and Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination Policy (, Prohibited Conduct is an umbrella term that encompasses all unwelcome conduct based on sex or gender that is so severe and/or pervasive that it has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person’s University employment, academic performance or participation in University programs or activities, or creates a working, learning, program or activity environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive. It includes Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse, Non-consensual Sexual Contact; Sexual Exploitation; Sexual Harassment; Gender-Based Harassment; Retaliation; Aiding, Facilitating, Encouraging, Concealing, or Otherwise Assisting, Violating a Protective Measure and Title IX Misconduct. Because sexual misconduct may constitute both a violation of University policy and criminal activity, persons having knowledge of a possible violation are strongly encouraged to promptly report alleged sexual misconduct to EPD, or to local law enforcement authorities for incidents that occur off campus. "Responsible Employees” who are informed about an allegation of sexual misconduct are required to notify, either directly or through the employee’s reporting structure, the University Title IX Coordinator who is identified in Policy 8.2.  Responsible Employees refer to individuals who, based on their role with respect to the University, are required to report to the University Title IX Coordinator information about alleged Prohibited Conduct, including Title IX Misconduct. Responsible Employees are (1) University Employees (including Faculty and Staff); (2) Resident Advisors (“RAs”); and (3) Teaching Assistants or Teaching Associates.  The University Title IX Coordinator, in turn, provides the reported information to the Director of Clery Act Compliance. If an individual is unwilling or unable to make a report, others who are aware of a crime can contact the police to make a report except as described below.

Except as otherwise specifically disclosed or unless consent is obtained in a particular instance, if a report of a crime is made to a “pastoral counselor” or “professional counselor” as those terms are defined in the Regulations, and a person has requested confidentiality, no report that includes the names of individuals involved will be made to the Office of Clery Act Compliance or to EPD. However, a counselor may provide a de-identified (anonymous) report containing information about an incident to the Office of Clery Act Compliance or to EPD for statistical reporting purposes, provided the counselor so informs the person making the report in advance of receiving information. Pastoral and professional counselors may, in their professional discretion, suggest that a person file an official police report and may obtain consent from the person to disclose the identifiable incident to EPD, for investigation or for inclusion in the statistical section of this Report.

Emory’s Office of Respect, the university’s central hub for interpersonal violence prevention and survivor resiliency, is a confidential clinical resource for Atlanta campus students who identify as and support survivors. The Director of the Office of Respect provides a de-identified aggregate summary of Clery incidents (accounting for cases in which EPD or Title IX involvement is known to limit double counting) at the end of the year for data collection for public safety purposes. A detailed explanation of disclosure obligations can be obtained from Respect Staff at the Office of Respect (470-270-5360).